There's something here for you....
An intuitive write up for the weekend of November 10-12
I've taken a couple hours this morning to do a special reading for this coming weekend. The 11th of the 11th month of a 1 year (2017 added up equals 1) Eleven is a very special number and has extra emphasis when doubled. It has shown up in 'my' life every time I need to make a decision or really think about what's going on in my life. So I wanted to share this special energy with all of you!
Right now, pick one of these cards without thinking too much. Just 1, 2 or 3. if you can't choose just one, choose 2 that speak to you. Or the entire reading could be what you need. Totally up to you!
Magic Stream - 18 Everything is connected. There's a universal flow & consciousness in everything. Every experience you have seems to have its own life story with a beginning a middle and eventually an end. We must remember not to see events as separate from one another since in fact they are all part of a continuity and a greater evolution. Like an ever flowing magic stream your experiences filter through the whole world, one leading to another informing influencing still more inspiration invention and revelations rarely come to just one person. The collective awareness is a shared store house of potential. When you remember you are part of the fluid continuity of life you become a channel for great inspiration. Allow the magic to flow through you and carry your dreams into reality your success will benefit many.
Now look at the card notice that the number at the top is 18 which broken down 1+8 equals nine and in numerology. Do either of the numbers 18 or 9 mean anything special to you? A special date or lucky number perhaps?
First, Number 18
18 suggests that you are nearing the end of a phase or cycle in your life. Realize that new opportunities will appear for you in due course. Do not stress about present circumstances, as ‘better’ is on it’s the way into your life. Do not fear lack or loss as the end of a situation or cycle denotes the beginning of another. Have faith and trust in yourself.
Number 9 is symbol that your life path and soul mission involves being of service to humanity through the use of
your natural skills and talents. It encourages you to look to ways to serve others in positively uplifting ways.
It also may be indicating that it is time to end a phase, situation or relationship that is no longer serving you in a positive way. Rest assured that ‘new’ will enter your life that will enhance and benefit your life and lifestyle in many ways. Prepare yourself today as there is much work for you to do.
And last, look at the card ask yourself, 'Is there a magic stream in your life?' Literally or figuratively. Like stream of creativity like writing or something artistic or even business ideas? Pay special attention to those things now. Or is there a stream, creek or fountain that you love to sit at where you feel most peaceful & clearheaded? Go there. There's bound to be a message you will get if you go.
Lastly there's a bird in the card this type of bird is symbol of wisdom in that this creature has good judgement skills. Take it as a very good omen, a very lucky sign.
Stuck in the mud - 24
You're being invited to stop and savor the wonder of your life. Becoming stuck is sometimes the only way to trick yourself into slowing down and looking around you. In fact this is a sign that you need to shift your focus away from what you're doing and place your attention elsewhere. Struggling will only get you into muddy places. Now is not the time to move forward but to observe. Clarity about your circumstances will come a little later stop. Find the joy in what you've been over looking.Soon you'll be out of the mud but for now be still and know that spirit has a plan for you.
Now let's look at the card. Do elephants mean anything to you? Do you admire them & think they are magnificent?
Elephant spirit meaning
No other animal on land can match the strength of the elephant. It knows its own strength, and confidently strides aware of its power. It also uses wisdom, as it is very intelligent, and thinks things through to all of its conclusions.
Now for the numerology of this card
Number 24 indicates that you are receiving positive energies to boost your self-belief, self-esteem and confidence. The work, will and effort you have contributed in the past has lead to building solid foundations and stability, and you are asked to trust yourself and your intuition. Know that you are on the right life path!
24 broken down 2+4=6
Keep a balance between your material goals and aspirations, and your spiritual, inner-self. Respect yourself and others by taking responsibility for your own life and be honest and fair in all of your dealings.Be grateful for what you have already, as an attitude of gratitude encourages further positive abundance into your life. Be open to angelic signs and signals, maintain a positive attitude, and trust that opportunities will present themselves that will allow you to meet your material and financial needs.
Moonlight - 51
Your intuition allows you to see beyond the mundane, logical and analytical, follow it. Stay calm and trust your intuition to lead you to places that may not seem logical. Your hunches will be right on target. Resist second guessing yourself for your alternative perception is a specially sharp right now you can see beyond the surface of things and truly read between the lines. Remember that the language of intuition is a symbolic one it comes subtly through a hunch a tingling a clear sound or an animal or object crossing your path spirit is sending you messages to help you now success is yours if you follow the signs.
Looking at the card we see the number 51. Does that number hold any special meaning for you? Or how about 6? 5+1=6
keep your focus on positive outcomes and remain optimistic about current life changes. These changes are necessary and your angels want you to know that they will be of long-term benefit to you and your loved ones. Trust that your angels are ensuring that results and outcomes will be positive and that you are safe and protected, always. Give any fears or worries to the angels for healing and transmutation and trust that all is going to Divine plan.
Keep a balance between your material goals and aspirations, and your spiritual, inner-self. Respect yourself and others by taking responsibility for your own life and be honest and fair in all of your dealings.Be grateful for what you have already, as an attitude of gratitude encourages further positive abundance into your life. Be open to angelic signs and signals, maintain a positive attitude, and trust that opportunities will present themselves that will allow you to meet your material and financial needs.
In the picture on the card, there's a big moon and an owl, as well as a fairy (translated to dragonfly) and an hourglass. Let's look at these things separately & then you can piece together what it means for you.
The moon is a symbol of our emotions, feelings, instincts & habits. What feelings are coming up for you lately, or even going into this weekend. Be aware of what you are feeling or any instincts, gut feelings, or habits you have.
Dragonflies & Fairies often stand for a visit from someone who has passed on. Be aware if something even something small that reminds you of a loved one that has passed. They may be trying to get your attention or send you a message. These are also they are a sign of transformation and light, wisdom and change. They begin life in the water in transition to life in the air. Are you making a major transition in your life? They are both powerful connectors to the spirit world.
You can perceive it as a reminder that all things will soon pass or as a symbol of remembering to appreciate the time that you do have. Or do you need to keep time for some reason? Do you need to get something done 'in time' or is it 'about time' you did something in reference to all the other symbolism here? Think about it. It will all come together.
Regardless of which card you chose or if you couldn't choose just one, the whole reading could be what you needed to hear. Listen to your intuition, remember what you read here and reflect back on it as the next 24-48 hours go by. I bet something will resonate with you!
If you'd like a private reading like this you may send me a message through my contact page. You can ask a question or just have a reading & see what comes up for you!
Readings are $40. for a basic 3 card reading. To do a reading like what you've seen here, takes me about an hour to complete. I will send you the pictures as well as a full write up as you see here. If you wish to discuss further we can set that up as well. Payments are done through Pay Pal & will be received once arrangements for your reading are completed. I look forward to helping you answer questions or get clarity on life for you right now!
Love Onward!