Guidance Readings - what are they?
I was a hairstylist & makeup artist for nearly 30 years. I have talked to 1000's of women. I've listened to their stories & watched their lives unfold. I have given advice; I have gotten advice & it all got stored inside my psyche. I'm extremely intuitive & have always had something beneficial to offer or give to anyone who was asking me what I thought or what I would do. So after I left my place "behind the chair" I still wanted to help people with all the knowledge I have accrued along with my side passions I always had of astrology & spirit guidance. I believe & for me, intuition is a gift of sense, and extra sense but I also think we are lead by spirit & if we are quiet enough we can hear those messages. This is how I want to help people now. Through my writing & readings.
For most people who already know me, this is a new thing. My closest friends know I have been helping them for a long time & others through what I like to call Oracle Spirit Readings. I have had a page on Facebook called Tami's Writings & Readings for 3 years now. Where I explore things on a deeper level. It's just who I am. Now before you decide this kind of thing isn't your cup of tea, or that it's "weird" because you don't understand, or it sounds witchy or whatever might be coming up in your mind. I'm NOT being witchy or dabbling in evil things. This is my intuitive spirit working with positive decks of cards infused with nothing but love & assistance. They are just the guide (that's what oracle means) and I interpret them with my own intuitive spirit. Just give me a chance here. I think you'll find it interesting & make your heart feel good!
When I shuffled this deck this morning I was asking, “What needs to be heard in this example reading?” and I was thinking that it would be something I'd end up writing about to explain how I do readings. But I always have a person in mind or a question someone has asked me to reflect on for them. I didn’t have a person in mind, but I started shuffling. I either shuffle until cards fall out on their own, or peek out above the rest or I spread them all out with my hand & where ever there’s a break in that spread, I choose that card. Most of the time it’s 3 cards. This morning, the first card came out immediately with my first shuffle & then the other 3 came out in a clump, kind of stuck together; and I also thought it was strange that the 3 that came out together were in numerical order. That rarely happens. This is not a new deck and there’s no way they are in any perfect sequence. But so be it. I take it alllll in as meaning. I look at the numbers of the cards & see if they have any meaning or if added together (add double digits until you get a single digit) and if it’s a number that resonates with me or the person being read for. I ask my person who the reading is for to pay attention to those numbers & see if they pop up in the next few days in any way. I ask them to really look at the images in the cards & let whatever feelings come up, be part of their experience as well. When I complete a reading, I send pictures of the card images as well as the reading & my interpretation. I also think it’s a good idea for my recipient to write down their own feelings about the cards & what came up. Writing things down etches into our memory a bit better & lets us remember it longer. When I start shuffling or even before I begin, I send whoever has the question, my mental love & healing arms around them. In my mind I caress their hair & shoulders like I did when I was a hairstylist. It was these years of my life that I realized I had the healing power of touch & advice giving & that it actually worked. So doing the same for someone in my mind as if they were in my presence makes my work flow very easily. Most of the time, I will get a response from the person while they are waiting for their reading, that they felt a tickle on their scalp or neck or felt their shoulders loosen. I’ve even had a song pop up in my mind when doing a reading & have had the person I am reading for say that they heard music in their head or turned on the radio & a meaningful song was playing & it was the exact song I had been hearing in my mind. It’s really been a miraculous & amazing thing to be able to connect with others like this especially from a distance.
So here are the cards I got this morning & their meanings
3 Wizard of Awareness – Your Soul knows Best; be still and observe.
Mindfulness is about being observant and remaining neutral about what goes on in the world around you. This applies to the environment within you too. If you struggle inside yourself, stepping into an observer position gives you a new, powerful perspective that neutralizes discomfort or over-excitement. You have the capacity to see things clearly now, unencumbered by opinion or desire. Wearing the world as a loose garment requires you to adopt a sense that nothing that happens to you is personal. People come & go; experiences evolve from one state to another, continually shifting and changing no matter how much you want them to stay the same. Give up you need to define or limit what you are experiencing now. It’s all good! Let it be, and watch the miracle unfold without any direct influence from you.
36 Commitment - A true commitment is a responsibility of the heart, mind, body and soul. This is a good time to make one. Partnerships formed at this time are harmonious and powerful. There is a natural evolution of a relationship from its inception to a literal or metaphorical marriage. At the very least, there is a promise of fulfillment in some form. However you must be conscious of what you are committing to. Be clear about the nature of your commitment and your responsibility to it. Others are more willing to enter into partnerships at this time. Remember that your partnership with Spirit – and the highest version of your own self – will engage the highest self in another.
37 Cleaning House – It’s time to clear the clutter to make way for better things.
Get rid of unwanted things in your physical home, and release what you no longer want or truly need. Is ther any unfinished business you should address? Thoughts, memories, and emotional baggage must be swept out of your house as well. Your conscience must be clear for you to move freely in the world. Celebrate a fall-cleaning and feel the freedom as you make way for better things. Look at what you’ve resisted discarding & be honest about its value. Be honest. Clean House.
38 Heal the Ouch – Forgiveness is the healer of the soul.
This is a time for great soothing of the heart, body, soul and mind. Healing will be prevalent in your life right now. If you feel drawn to study the healing arts, you’ll be successful in developing your natural capacity to restore others to wellness. However, the message may be that you are being called to change your behaviors in order to heal the earth. Perhaps switch to a cruelty free diet, eating less meat, or perhaps you’ll pay more attention to how much water or electricity you use. You’re asked to be conscious of your footprint on the sacred earth and all of life and to commit to a healing path. Heal the Ouch can also be an indicator of old wounds and broken bones being mended. This can be emotional or mental wounds as well. Reconciliations are possible now. Let by gones be by gones.
SO, WOW! This reading… I did not have anyone in mind when I pulled cards, so this reading came up to be for "me" this morning and I’ll explain how & it will truly show you that the cards are never off. I was having some negative & hurt feelings this morning surrounding relationships & commitment. I was trying to shake them off while I made my morning tea. Knowing I wanted to do this card reading post, I needed to get rid of my own thoughts because I was excited to write about this. As I walked around my house, I realized I had some cleaning & throwing away to do & “chores” not where I wanted my mind to go & get distracted from my energy focused on this reading & post. So I went to let my dogs outside, be in the nature of my quiet garden & to let my ducks & chickens out of their house for the day. I was noticing some other cleaning up that needed to be done in the garden. Ugh, I didn’t want to get distracted by that either. But I was very glad that over the weekend we were able to get rid of a washing machine that we had been storing for my son who no longer needed it. Over the weekend my mother in laws best friend who is well into her 70’s & not doing so great physically, discovered that her washing machine had died. My sweetheart & I were glad to give her this one. It didn’t cost her anything & my sweetheart was able to install it. She asked what she could do for us in exchange & he said, ‘No good deed goes unrewarded, don’t worry about it.’ Karma chip for us. (Yes, I just coined the term Karma Chip) But this had been an eye sore to me, on our property for the last year. It had been stored & concealed, but I still knew it was there & there’s nothing more junky to me than appliances or old non-running vehicles lying about someone’s yard. It had bugged me every time I realized it was there. We keep our house (inside & out) yard & garden very organized & clear of clutter. This thing just didn’t belong! Viola, Gone! So I was grateful for that as I walked back inside my home. Back to needing to clear my own thoughts so I could explore this reading, I realized my commitment to my new website was a new blessing in my life. I had been feeling like I didn’t have a special purpose & I was hungry for it. And I felt newly inspired in the last week & I don’t know where it came from but one morning I woke up & just wanted to see how easy or hard creating a website or blog could be. Once I started, I couldn't stop. I was so glad to feel a drive & passion for something. I knew I should be writing but I didn’t know what & how was my writing going to help anyone & who was even going to read it? But something happened to let me partner with myself to create this site & make it pretty so others wanted to look at it & maybe the things I wrote about would appeal to people. I had only let my sweetheart, his mother & his 35 year old son read what I had written the first day. My honey, said it was really good & that I paint great pictures with my words. His mother (who’s been most encouraging for me to write & have a blog) said what I had written made her want to cry. She even took off her glasses to wipe her eyes. She felt this way because she's known for so long that I should be doing this & because of the few pages I had written & the content moved her. Between the 3 of them, they gave me the confidence to continue & now I can’t stop. I had partnered with them, with myself, with web hosting & readers who don’t even know what I’m writing yet, but I’m doing it for all of us. In the Heal the Ouch, it mentions if you are wanting to get into the healing arts, you’ll be successful! Yep, that’s what I’m doing exactly. This website is all about me sharing & hopefully inspiring & healing through my stories or anything else I can assist others with. Eventually this site will have pages offering my services along the lines of Readings, Feng Shui, Decorating, assisting in Healing & organizing of spaces. I also create objects of art to add to your life space. So this reading encompassed all these things. After reading my interpretation, go back & read what the cards represented & you’ll see how much it was in alignment with me.
*Being observant, Partnerships, Commitment, Healing, Cleaning House